Chris Meehan

Chris Meehan

I'm a software developer at Scott Logic focusing primarily on JavaScript development, particularly with React. Recently, I've also taken an interest in mobile development.

I joined the company after studying Mechanical Engineering at Bath and Computer Science (MSc) at Bristol. The fantastic learning opportunities at Scott Logic are one of the main reasons I joined, and as a result I'm currently learning functional programming (F#) in between projects.

The popularity of Infrastructure as Code has skyrocketed in the last few years. Such tools allow the rapid and reliable provisioning of resources straight to the cloud, saving huge amounts of time and effort in the long run. One of the most prominent of these tools is Terraform, which this post will focus on, particularly with regards to AWS.
Open Source
A few weeks ago the new Bristol Pound mobile app was launched, allowing users of this local currency to find vendors, view transactions and make payments on both iOS and Android. This post describes our experience of writing this application using React Native.